Density Conversion Calculator
Online density converter with commonly used units.

Convert among mass density values along with mass concentration values (mass divided by volume).Ounces and pounds are in the avoirdupois system, the standard everyday system in the United States where 1 ounce = 1/16 poundHow to Convert Units of DensityConversions are performed by using a conversion factor. By knowing the conversion factor, converting between units can become a simple multiplication problem:S * C = EWhere S is our starting value, C is our conversion factor, and E is our end converted result.To simply convert from any unit into kg/m3, for example, from 50 lb/ft3, just multiply by the value in the right column in the table below.50 lb/ft3 * 16.018463 [ (kg/m3) / (lb/ft3) ] = 800.92315 kg/m3To convert from kg/m3 into units in the left column divide by the value in the right column or, multiply by the reciprocal, 1/x.800.92315 kg/m3 / 16.018463 [ (kg/m3) / (lb/ft3) ] = 50 lb/ft3To convert among any units in the left column, say from A to B, you can multiply by the factor for A to convert A into kg/m3 then divide by the factor for B to convert out of kg/m3.

Or, you can find the single factor you need by dividing the A factor by the B factor.For example, to convert from lb/ft3 to g/mL you would multiply by 16.018463 then divide by 1000. Or, multiply by 16.018463/1000 = 0.016018463. So, to convert directly from lb/ft3 to g/mL you multiply by 0.016018463.To understand how to also convert the units follow this example. Say you want to convert from lb/ft3 to lb/in3. You want to convert the foot to inches.  Since you can multiply anything by 1 and still retain the original value, but in different units, set it up so that ft3 will cancel out leaving you with in3.Since:1 ft = 12 in, 1 ft / 12 in = 1We can write the conversion as:1 lb/ft3 = 1 lb/ft3 * (1 ft / 12 in)3 = 1 lb/ft3 * (1 ft3 / 1728 in3) = 5.787037e-04 lb/in3And we now have our factor for conversion from lb/ft3 to lb/in3 since 1 * 5.787037e-04 = 5.787037e-04.Knowing that 1 lb/ft3 = 5.787037e-04 lb/in3 we can now find the conversion factor for converting back. Dividing both sides of the equation by 5.787037e-04 we get 1728 lb/ft3 = 1 lb/in3. So, the conversion factor to multiply by to convert from lb/in3 to lb/ft3 is 1728.

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